Breakbulk & Rolltrailers
Break bulk cargo
As a rule, all cargo that cannot be rolled on or off the RoRo vessel is referred to as break bulk cargo. It can be anything from machine equipment and windmill rotor blades to trains or boats. The cargo is loaded onto a rolltrailer and then transported onto the ship using a tuggmaster. The rolltrailers comes in different variations depending on the cargo that needs to be loaded. Special made rolltrailers for extremely long or heavy cargo exists.
This type of cargo is sometimes referred to as project cargo given its variety in weights and sizes. Breakbulk cargo is a central part of the RoRo product mix. The securing of this type of cargo is done in two steps. First, the goods loaded onto the rolltrailer need to be secured to the trailer. Then when the rolltrailer is loaded onto the vessel, the trailer needs to be secured to the deck.

What types of products are used?
Due to the endless variations of the type of products that are loaded onto the rolltrailer, many different type of load securing products exists to make it possible to secure any type of products. Apart from the obvious need of using chain lashing or web lashing to secure the rolltrailer to the deck, different type of products such as nets, corner protection etc. are used to tie down the load onto the rolltrailer.
To create better friction between the rolltrailer and the deck, rubber mats are commonly used. To create stability between the rolltrailer and the deck, jacks are used. Please see more in detail below of what type of products that needs to be used to secure your break bulk cargo.

Chain Lashing
The most common product used to secure a rolltrailer on to the vessel’s deck is a “chain lashing”. It usually consists of a chain and a lever. The lever is used to tighten the chain and make sure that the chain lashing is pulling down the load towards the deck.

Extension handle
An extension handle can be used in combination with a chain lashing in order to tension the chain lashing in an easy way.

Speed lash
When using chain lashings a tool called a speed lash can be used to tighten the chain with a machine. This is particularly used for heavy loads and heavy chain.

Heavy web lashing
It is also popular to use a heavy web lashing instead of a chain lashing to secure the rolltrainer to the deck. It has the same strength as a chain lashing but some different attributes when it comes to elongation of the webbing etc.

To make the rolltrailer stable, a jack is placed underneath the rolltrailer and adjusted to the correct height.

Rubber mats
To prevent the rolltrailer from moving and increase the friction between the rolltrailer and the deck, “rubber mats” are often used.

Corner protection
In order to protect the valuable cargo, a corner protection is often used in combination with a chain lashing. Corner protection products comes in many different forms and variations.

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